Code of Conduct

All community participants – including members and guests of members, event hosts, sponsors, presenters, exhibitors, participants and attendees – are expected to abide by this code of conduct.

By becoming a member of DMG, or participating in any DMG event in any capacity, you agree to abide by this code of conduct, and cooperate with organizers and admins who enforce it.

Expected Behavior

We insist that everyone who uses the space remains mindful of, and takes responsibility for, their speech and behavior. This includes:

  • Prioritizing the expression of people who are systemically marginalized in tech and game spaces, especially those who are gender-marginalized and/or racialized and upholding a safe, judgment-free, confidential space for that expression.
  • Actively listening to others and not dominating discussions.
  • Respecting physical and emotional boundaries. Always ask before touching, and check in before discussing topics that may be triggering.
  • Not making assumptions about any individual's identity, experiences or pronouns.
  • Not using words that are racist, sexist, homophobic, classist, transphobic, cissexist, ageist or ableist.
  • Humbly accepting respectful correction (or correcting yourself!), keeping in mind that the impact of your words on other people is more important than your intent.

Unacceptable Behavior

We believe that failing to address dynamics of hierarchy, power and privilege alienates and further victimizes our members and prevents us from creating the safe and equitable space we want.

We do not tolerate oppressive behavior, harassment, destructive behavior, or exclusionary actions.

Examples of these actions include:

Oppressive behavior: any conduct that demeans, marginalizes, rejects, threatens or harms anyone on the basis of identity, background, or ability. This includes publicly sympathizing with hate groups or endorsing political beliefs that contradict our values; deliberate misgendering, using inappropriate pronouns, or use of deadnames

Harassment: deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing photography or recording; disruption of events; aggressive, slanderous, derogatory, or threatening comments online or in person; repeated or sustained private communication after requests to cease; publication of non-harassing private communication (including audio or video recordings and screenshots of direct messages and closed chats on Slack or Google Meet); physical contact and simulated physical contact without consent or after a request to stop.

Destructive behavior: sustained disruption of discussions online or off, damaging or altering any part of the building, inside or out, including furniture and equipment; damaging, altering or using other people's belongings, including personal computers and digital content or code created by other people (unless you have their consent).

Exclusionary actions: denying certain participants opportunities to share views, skills and other contributions; engaging in favoritism; and creating or reinforcing an inequitable learning environment.

If you are being – or have been at any point in the past – harassed by a member of the DMG community, or someone who attends events at our space, we want to know about it. This includes harassment that happens outside our spaces and events. DMG may choose to exclude people from events and membership based on their past behavior, including behavior outside our spaces and behavior towards people who are not part of the DMG community.

How to Report a Violation or Discuss a Concern

  • On Slack, send a direct message to any admin:

    • Admins as of the last edit date of this document: @izzie, @jennie, @jayd, @jen, @orbwitch, @kait, @snaxwell, @meaganb, @nataliezed, @santo, @portablecity
  • Send a private message to the meeting/event host through the meeting platform
  • Email to reach the current chair (or co-chairs) of the conflict resolution committee.
  • To make an anonymous report, please use this form.

More information about the reporting process


Anyone‭ ‬asked‭ ‬to‭ ‬stop‭ ‬unacceptable‭ ‬behavior‭ ‬is‭ ‬expected‭ ‬to‭ ‬comply‭ ‬immediately.

This Code of Conduct extends to both in-person spaces and events as well as digital/virtual gatherings. Everyone is expected to comply with and uphold this code of conduct in all digital interactions, including DMs.

The DMG workshop, studio and online channels (including but not limited to our Slack team, Google Meet events, and Discord server) are private spaces, and we reserve the right to remove any person at any time for any reason. We are ultimately responsible to victims and the DMG community.

Anyone who engages in sustained or repeated ‬unacceptable behavior may be sanctioned ‬or‭ ‬permanent‭ly ‬expelled‭ ‬from‭ ‬the‭ ‬community‭ ‬without‭ ‬warning‭ (‬and‭ ‬without‭ ‬refund‭ ‬in‭ ‬the‭ ‬case‭ ‬of‭ ‬a‭ ‬paid‭ ‬event‭)‬.

By registering for or hosting an event, you agree to make your name visible to event organizers, volunteers, admins and staff. This visibility helps maintain the safety of our space. Anyone not registered for an event may be denied entry at the discretion of the event host.

Last revised: April 15, 2020