How to edit or propose changes to this manual on Github

First, you will need to create a free account for yourself on Github, or sign in if you already have one. You don't need to be a collaborator on the repository1 – anyone can suggest changes by forking2 the project and creating a pull request.

Don't worry if you don't know what that means… we'll walk you through it! There is also a glossary at the end of this document.

Table of Contents

Open the file on GitHub

Once you're logged in, come back here to the manual, and click the "Edit" button on the page you'd like to change.

Open the editor on GitHub

This will take you to the file on GitHub. From there, click the pencil icon on the right hand side of the file information to fork the project and edit the file.

Edit the document

Next, make your changes in the text area. The files use Markdown, which is a simple markup language to create headers, bold and italic text, links and more. You can learn more about using it here.

Save your edits

Once you're done, click the "Propose file change" button at the very bottom of the page.

Create a pull request

On the next screen, click the "Create pull request" button. Some checks will run on this page to make sure your suggestions can be merged without issue. If you've edited more than one file on this branch, they'll be bundled up here into one request. In most cases, you'll probably only be suggesting edits to one file at a time.

The next screen will review your messages from your edit commit and submit it to the DMG team for review. Click the "Create pull request" button one more time.

And that's it! We'll be alerted to your suggested change, and will contact you through the comments section on your pull request if we have any questions or remarks. We appreciate you taking the time and effort to contribute to our community documentation!


  1. You can think of the "repository" as the project folder on GitHub.

  2. "Forking" a repository creates a personal copy of it, allowing you to freely make changes to a project without affecting the original until we're ready to integrate your proposed edits.

Last revised: April 27, 2020