Conflict Resolution Committee
This committee is governed by the joint Terms of Reference.
Please also refer to the Conflict Resolution Policy.
This is an ad hoc committee that does not meet on a set schedule.
Current Members
- Co-chairs: Izzie Colpitts-Campbell & Santo Aveiro-Ojeda
- Members: Jen Costa, Kaitlin Tremblay
- Ex-officio: Jennie Robinson Faber
Lines of Communication
To ensure transparency for current and future committee members, committee business must be communicated and documented (in the case of offline conversations/decisions) through:
- A dedicated Basecamp project for the committee
- Slack channel #cmte-conflict-resolut
- Emails sent to a complainant, an offender, or third parties about a complaint should be CC’d to the Basecamp email address.
- The committee should meet at least two times per year, but may meet as frequently as needed, on an ad hoc basis in order to respond to reports
- One-half the voting members constitutes a quorum; chair or co-chair must be in attendance.
- Minutes should be posted to the committee’s Basecamp project in a timely manner.
Additionally, CR committee procedures are driven by the following documents:
- Develop and maintain conflict resolution policies and procedures
Respond to, document and track complaints and concerns regarding:
- Violations of the code of conduct
- Incidents that engage conflict resolution procedures
- Report any serious disputes or conflicts to the board in a timely manner
Last revised: July 1, 2019